Quotes by Lord Krishna on Love

Lord Krishna is the most prominent deity in Hinduism, characterized by his teachings, lively life, and many roles in different Hindu texts. He is said to be the eighth avatar of Vishnu, who is one of the chief gods of Hinduism, and his legend is mainly described in the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata and also in other texts like Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. In this article, we will share 30 quotes by Lord Krishna on love.

Quotes by Lord Krishna on Love

Quotes by Lord Krishna on Love

Here are 30 quotes by Lord Krishna on love:

1. “Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, I manifest myself.”

2. “Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of creation.”

3. “The soul is neither born, and nor does it die; it is eternal and beyond this material existence.”

4. “True love is a state of being that transcends material desires.”

5. “In love, there is no duality-only unity.”Love Quote Krishna

6. “The greatest gift of love is the ability to selflessly serve others.”

7. “To love is to seek God, and to serve is to worship Him.”

8. “Where there is love, there is life.”

2nd Love Quote by Krishna

9. “In the heart of every being, love exists as the eternal truth.”

10. “Devotion arises from love, and love leads to liberation.”

11. “Love is a source of finding the divine within oneself.”

12. “Let your love be the basis for all your actions.”3 Krishna on Love

13. “The very nature of love is selfless; it gives without asking for something in return.”

14. “Surrendering to love is the way to enlightenment.”

15. “To love is to realize the oneness of all.”

16. “When we act with love, we are attuned to the universe.”

17. “Loving without attachment is the road to true happiness.”

18. “In love, we have a clear view of our reason for existence.”

19. “He whose heart is full of love will never be old.”

20. “Love serves to unite you and everything.

21. “Only with love can you live in fulness.”

22. “Each good deed is tinged by sparks of God’s divine love.

23. “Guide your efforts through love”

24. “True love is not selfish; love for the well-being of others.

25. “One who loves really looks at the world in oneself”

26. “We get lost in the dance of love and find the divine”.

27. “Love is a golden cord binding all of existence.”

28. “Choose, each time, to love, rather than fear.”

29. “Genuine happiness occurs because of love and being loved.”

30. “Love cannot find distinctions between people. It embraces all.”

Krishna Quote

These quotes inspire and encapsulate the profound wisdom of love as taught by Lord Krishna.

Lord Krishna’s views on love

These are some of the multi-layered philosophical views and quotes by Lord Krishna on love, which convey the union of devotion, passion, and moral duty.

Divine Love (Bhakti): Krishna stresses the importance of love and surrender to God. He writes in texts such as the Bhagavad Gita that love for the divine is much more than a form of worship. In fact, it’s about a personal relationship with God, full of love, trust, and devotion.

Love as Duty: It is the most prominent lesson in the sermons of Krishna regarding duties in love. He is telling Arjuna to work for his duty as a warrior and thus emphasizing the necessity of love for duty toward a happy life.

Transcendental Nature of Love: Krishna’s love is often portrayed as transcendent, which depicts the concept that love should not be confined by societal norms or material attachments. His relationship with Radha symbolizes the ultimate union of the soul with the divine, representing a love that transcends the physical.

Playfulness and Joy: Krishna, the avatar of love, mostly reflects playfulness. The tales depicting how he plays with gopis show a sense of joy and innocence within love. Such tales describe how love can be joyous, full of life, and even a spiritual exercise per se.

Universal Love: Krishna loves not only people but also every creature. He preaches charity and benevolence, thus making love a universal force to bind all of creation.

Lord Krishna’s Teachings on Love

The Supremacy of Love in Life

One of the foundational quotes by Lord Krishna on love is the paramount authority of love. He pictures love in all forms to be the very essence of existence. One of the wonderful expressions he has is, “Wherever there is love, there is God’s presence.” This statement in it sums up the realization of love transcending all boundaries—physical, emotional, or even the spiritual. In a world often torn by divisions and conflicts, the above quote reminds us that the divine resides in our capacity to love.

Selfless Love — An Ideal to Aspire For

Selflessness in love is something that is shown in the quotes by Lord Krishna on love. “There is no greater love than this,” he says, “to give one’s life for one another.” Selfless love- or ‘prema’-gives without any expectation of gain. It adds richness and helps to deepen bonds within all kinds of relationships-family, friendships, and romance. This Krishna manifests through his relationships —be it with his friends, the Gopis, or his peers. He teaches us that true love is not transactional; it flourishes when shared without conditions.

Love as a Path to Liberation

Krishna relates love to liberation through spirit. He says, “Through love, one can attain the ultimate truth.” In this context, Krishna challenges us to think of love as a transforming power which brings higher consciousness and enlightenment. This quote forces us to look beyond our mundane existence and aspire for that connection which elevates the soul. It is a call to perceive love as a divine way, which, if one treads it with genuineness, promises spiritual enlightenment.

Divine Love — The Expression of Universal Truth

According to the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna further asserts that his love for the world is both personal and universal. A quote that reflects this is, “I am in every heart; I am the love that connects all beings.” Such a statement profoundly reassures us that love is not exclusive to some but an integral part of our lives. It presents the possibility of unity that can exist among all beings as we acknowledge the divine in one another. This awareness can break all the barriers of ego and materialism that always give way to discord.

Love in Action — Karma Yoga

Krishna teaches that love is not only a feeling but also an action. He teaches, “Perform your duty with love, and you will find fulfillment.” This quote reminds us that incorporating love into our daily activities—be it through service, kindness, or compassion—makes life fulfilling. It encourages us to approach our duties with a loving heart, which makes even the most mundane tasks an expression of devotion.

Forgiveness: An Essential Component of Love

Forgiveness is the other element Krishna speaks about. To love is to forgive without condition. That’s a big revelation since love is something so complex, so every relationship has those points of frustration and miscommunication, yet forgiveness makes love stronger and longer. Even in his patient endurance of those who did wrong by him, he was teaching about the essence of love – acceptance and compassion.

Unity in Diversity

His life and teachings also support the principle of harmony in diversity. He says, “See the same God in all beings, and love them as you love yourself.” It emphasizes that love should reach to everyone, regardless of their differences in race, religion, or background. If adopted, it may lead to a peaceful society, with understanding and respect between different people. The realization that we are all the same divine energy can break prejudice and unite us.

Love Yourself

In a world often focused on external validation: “Before you can love others, you must first love yourself.” This quote by Lord Krishna on love underlines the importance of self-acceptance and self-love, which are foundational to connecting with others meaningfully. Krishna teaches us that nurturing our self-worth equips us better to share love with the world. It fosters a cycle of positivity, ensuring that we approach others from a place of abundance rather than lack.

Embrace of Divine Love

The divine quotes by Lord Krishna on love reminds one about the power of divine love transforming him. He encourages his devotees, “Surrender to love, and experience the divine.” The concept of surrender is not to lose one’s self but is more like the acknowledgement of the existence of the power greater than us. Having faith in the divine love helps in comfort and peace when life is facing difficult moments, thus providing an environment for security that goes beyond the worldly anxieties.


The quotes by Lord Krishna on love ia a rich tapestry of love, which is as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago. His quotes inspire us to embody love in its various forms — as selfless service, compassionate action, acceptance, and spiritual unity. As we imbibe these lessons, we lead a life that honors relationships and propels us onto a path of higher consciousness and fulfillment. In each quotation, in every Krishna story, we find guiding lights that beckon us to love more intensely, act more kindly, and connect more authentically with ourselves and with the world.

Read: Vedas and the Language used to compose the Vedas

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